How to Sew a Face Mask: A Step-by-Step Guide

Sewing a face mask can be a useful skill, especially during times when wearing masks is recommended for public health reasons.
In a world where health and safety have taken center stage, face masks have become an essential accessory to protect ourselves and others from contagious airborne particles. While various commercial masks are available, crafting your own face mask not only offers a personal touch but also provides a sustainable solution. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of sewing a face mask, ensuring both functionality and style.

how to sew a face mask

Materials Needed for Sewing face mask

  1. Fabric: Choose tightly woven, breathable fabric such as cotton. You can even repurpose old t-shirts, bed sheets, or quilting fabric. Ensure the fabric is pre-washed and ironed before starting.

  2. Elastic or Fabric Ties: Elastic bands (1/4 inch wide) or fabric strips (1 inch wide and about 18 inches long) will secure the mask comfortably over your ears or head.

  3. Sewing Machine and Thread: A sewing machine streamlines the process, but hand-sewing is also an option. Use coordinating thread.

  4. Scissors: Sharp fabric scissors for cutting fabric and thread.

  5. Pins or Clips: These will help keep fabric pieces together during sewing.

  6. Pencil or Fabric Chalk: For marking guidelines on the fabric.

  7. Ruler or Measuring Tape: For accurate measurements.

  8. Iron and Ironing Board: To press seams and ensure a polished finish.

Best Some Sewing Machine To Sewing a Facemask:

Step-by-Step Guide for sewing Face mask

1. Choose a Design

There are various designs for face masks, including pleated, contoured, and fitted styles. Choose one that suits your preferences and comfort level.

2. Prepare the Fabric

Measure and cut two rectangles of fabric, each around 9×6 inches (pleated design) or according to your chosen pattern. Place the fabric right sides together, with any pattern facing inward.

3. Attach the Elastic/Fabric Ties

For elastic bands, attach each end to the short sides of the fabric rectangles, about 1/4 of the way in from the edges. If using fabric ties, pin them at the corners of the rectangles, ensuring they’re pointing towards the center.

4. Sew the Fabric

With the fabric pieces aligned and ties/elastics in place, sew around the perimeter of the rectangles, leaving a small gap (around 2 inches) on one side for turning the mask right-side-out.

5. Clip the Corners and Turn

Clip the corners diagonally, being careful not to cut the stitches. This reduces bulk when the mask is turned. Gently pull the fabric through the gap, turning it right-side-out. Use a pencil or chopstick to push out the corners for a clean finish.

6. Press and Topstitch

Press the mask flat with an iron, ensuring the edges are crisp. Fold in the edges of the gap and press them. Now, topstitch around the entire mask, closing the gap and adding reinforcement to the edges.

7. Add Pleats (for Pleated Design)

If you’ve chosen a pleated design, create three even pleats on each side by folding the fabric like an accordion. Pin in place, ensuring the pleats are facing downward.

8. Final Touches

Press the mask again to set the pleats and stitches. Attach the elastic bands around your ears or fabric ties around your head, ensuring a snug but comfortable fit.


Crafting your own face mask is a rewarding endeavor that combines functionality with creativity. By following this comprehensive guide, you can sew a face mask that not only offers protection but also showcases your personal style. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t be discouraged if your first mask isn’t flawless. With time and patience, you’ll become a skilled face mask maker, contributing to the safety and well-being of yourself and those around you.

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