How to Sew Knitted Pieces Together: Guide & Tips

Those who like to knit should know about the rules of sewing knitted pieces together. Many people can’t do the job perfectly because they don’t know due to which the hobby work is not done anymore. This article is for those who do not know how to sew knitted pieces together. Hopefully, if you fully understand today’s article, you will not have any problem with the stitching of the Knitted Pieces Joint. Occasionally all knitted pieces are sewn well, and the risk comes at the time of two joints. Knowing the rules of jointing properly, the work is off. But today we will try to solve all these problems permanently. We will try to answer your various questions.

How to Sew Knitted Pieces Together

There are some standard rules for joining knitted pieces as well as these are quite easy and quick to remove. Anyone new to this rule can fix the knitted pieces joint work. Let’s talk about that.

Using the Mattress (Invisible) Stitch

This is currently one of the best rules of knitted pieces joint. You can also learn how to sew knitted pieces together by learning this simple rule:

  1. Arrange the two pieces of knitting for sewing.
  2. Place two pieces side by side on a table or flat surface, so the edges you want to sew together are touching. One on the left and the other on the right.
  3. The thread of the yarn. First measure the length of the knit pieces you’ll be stitching together.
  4. As much as the size of the jointed line of your knitted pieces will be, you have to cut 3 times the yarn from it for sewing. For example, if you’ll need to sew a 5-inch (12-cm) length, thread a 15-inch (36-cm) strand of yarn onto the needle.
  5. Now cut the yarn. Tie a knot at the very end of the yarn or at the very beginning. This knot will be a yarn with yarn’s own part 6 So that the knitted pieces do not come out during the joint.
  6. Now you insert the needle in the bottom right corner of the knitted pieces. Now pull the inserted needle from bottom to top. So that the inserted place of the needle is filled up.
  7. You don’t have to pull the yarn so hard after pulling Because in the last step you will pull the knitted pieces on the right and the left together to pull the yarn perfectly to be a good joint.
  8. But keep in mind that the two knitted pieces should be equal in size.
  9. Insert the needle in the gap of the seam that is separate next to the knitted pieces you have taken for the joint.
  10. Now take the piece to the other side. Insert the needle into the side of the other piece and sew the piece together a while ago. However, you have to keep in mind that the two pieces taken for sewing are in a face-to-face position.
  11. Now insert the needle in the lower corner of the 2nd piece in the same way as you inserted the needle in the lower corner of the 1st piece for the first time.
  12. Pull the yarn from the bottom to the top. Insert the needle in the other piece in the same way by running the yarn in two consecutive gaps in the top line of the knitted pieces. As you did a while ago.
  13. Do the sewing continue. Until the two parts become completely joint. Once in the right-side piece and once in the left side piece, continue to sew the joint in these rules.
  14. When sewing, do not cut the thread in a hurry when it comes to the very end of the two pieces. Remember that this step is very important for the perfect joint of two knitted pieces. Because if it is not accepted properly or if the joint can not be separated quickly.
  15. You gave such a knot after inserting the needle in the lower corner to start work at the very beginning. The same will be done in the last part of the same work How to Sew Knitted Pieces Together is the perfect solution to relationship problems.

Frequently Asked Questions /FAQ’s

  • Knitted pieces is it necessary to tie the yarn during the joint?

Answer: Of course. Because you do not tie the knot in it, the whole thread with the needle can be separated from the knitted pieces when you pull the needle in the next step. As a result, you may have to re-insert the needle and thread.

  • how do you know if your stitches are perfect?

Answer: Whenever you see that the seam between the two joints is looking very beautiful and looks like a different orderly design, then you will understand that your sewing is perfect.

  • What will be the measurement of extra yarn during sewing?

Answer: You need to take 3 times the yarn of your knitted pieces for the purpose of sewing.

  • Is the sewing you show professional?

Answer: 100% professional. Jointing knitted pieces with this rule is now very popular, modern, and easy.

  • How long time can it take?

Answer: It depends on the size of your knitted pieces. The larger or longer your knitted pieces, the longer it will take. Again, the shorter your two knitted pieces, the less time it can take.

Final Words

Tried knitted pieces to share a simple rule of the joint. Hope you read the above article to solve the problem related to sew knitted pieces together and get some common questions to answer. Keep an eye on our website if you want to know about the next important topic related to sewing.

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